Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm Going To Vomit...

Literally, I really think I'm going to vomit!
I sit here, at 12 AM
Unable to sleep
I took my clinical boards at 7:30 this morning
I have been sick ever since!

Everything went ok I guess I could say
She was on time, qualified the first time
I got to work and scaled my little heart out

But those two hours FLEW by
All the sudden I had 10 minutes left
I wanted 10 hours!

There were a few rough spots I could feel
Worked and Worked and WORKED FOREVER on them
nothing was coming off
I pray it was just tooth anatomy and they don't count it against me

During probing there was a heavy bleeder
I couldn't see my probe
So I thought...I'll come back to it
Well of course I forgot
So I left one probe depth blank
There goes 1.25 points


I was really nervous
Even though I have done this a million times
THIS was the time that counted the SUPER most!

After, all I could think of was... did I do this?
Did I do that?
Maybe I should have done this...
Maybe I should have done that...

I think of all the spots of roughness I felt
What if they mark me down for 20 calculus errors?


And it has not even been 24 hours since I took this exam!
They are making us wait 2-4 weeks for our results!

Back to my title...
I'm going to vomit!

Pray for me

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It Was A Good Day!

It was a good day yesterday...

Because I received this in the mail...

SO thankful I don't EVER have to take that again!!

It was pretty brutal!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

LA Mock Board!!

Thursday was LA mock board...

I was scared...

I almost died on the drive in

Crazy freak hail storm

People sliding off the road everywhere

One guy missed slamming me by approximately a millimeter!

So needless to say, the morning didn't start off very well!

Then they were rushing me,

I will still shaking from the drive...

But they came over and I went for it...

I decided to do the left IA first, uncapped my needle, and drug it across the plastic on the tray...

Lovely way to start

Had to announce that I contaminated my needle...


So recapped, and went on with the right PSA first

(My absolute WORST injection, I can never get the angle!!)

So uncapped, went for the distal buccal root, surprisingly I wasn't shaking...

Got in, did my thing, got out, recapped.

Done, ok, next...

Did the IA, hit bone, redirected, got to deposition site, bam bam bam...

Out and recap.

WOW, I'm done. That was kinda scary.

Honestly I had no clue how I did...

I felt pretty good giving them, 

But they are so picky about everything I didn't know if I passed or failed...


They even said my PSA was textbook perfect!!

(That has never happened before)

Perry said my IA was a little high, which is why I hit bone, 
But I handled it perfectly, so I passed!

Made me feel a little bit better about taking this in 2 weeks!!

On to the written,
YIKES (I haven't studied yet...)

Most of them I felt pretty good about, but there were a few I had no clue!!

I ended up with an 82%

I can handle that!!

Overall, it was stressful, but I feel much better knowing now how it will run...



I'll let ya know in two weeks!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well if I have to go to the VA

I at least want it to be a useful, productive day!

I hate driving all the way down there to see a 1B and a 5!

Clearly I could do that at Weber!!

But today was a productive day that made the drive seem worth it!

I was able to see 5 quads of a Class 4

Do 8 Injections

& do my nitrous PE!!


One Step Closer...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

National Exam...Done & Done!!

It's OVER!!!

Thank the heavens above!!

That was no fun studying for...

I'm not sure how I did...

The first part had 200 questions...

Of which I flagged about 60 that I was unsure about...
Could have been worse right?

Took a lunch break and back to work I went!

150 case study question didn't sound too horrible...

On about question 58 I wanted to kill myself....

Not because they were too terribly hard, 

But because I had been sitting there for close to 6 hours and my brain was DONE


So needless to say I just clicked my way through the remaining 100 questions

Not thinking about them too hard, just wanting to GET OUT OF THERE!!

Overall I feel pretty good about it, I think I at least got a 75%

If I fail, I will feel pretty dumb 


I don't know if I can muster the strength to take that bugger again

Because this is what I wanted to do at the end...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last & Final Mock Board!!

So Thursday was my very last mock board!! 

I am glad we did these because I feel much better about how the real thing will go now! 

I have been pretty lucky in my mock board adventures! 

I have passed all three!! 


My first one in October I got around a 76 or something, 
then a few weeks ago I super nailed it and didn't miss one single spot!! Perry docked me on my x-rays though (lame) so I ended up with a 96. 

Then this last one, my patient had 20 clicks of calculus!!! 

20 CLICKS!! 

Holy crap!! 

I thought I did pretty well again, but time was running out and I knew there was still a rough spot and I tried for the LIFE of me to get it off and it would not budge. 

So I just submitted her, but in the end there was just two little spots left (out of 20)
so I was angry at first 
but then I realized I did a good job anyway!! 

I actually have learned something in the last few months!! 


So I ended up with an 88, 

and since all you need is a 75, 

I won't complain!! 

Hopefully I can do a repeat performance on the real day! 

Because this would be the exam that I would cry and cry and cry if I failed!!

At least they are over...One step closer to GRADUATION!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Maybe I Should Blog...

There is SO much to do, SO much to remember, SO much to stress about. Blogging is kinda last on my list. But maybe I should try and catch up. This semester has been pretty good so far...Honestly for my requirements I really just need 7 more quads of a 4 and I am good. I have been pretty lucky with finding patients. I have my process of care exam on Tuesday. I am kinda worried about that one. I have heard mixed reviews. Some say it was fine, others say it was horrible. Don't know what to expect. All I can do is pray!!