Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm Going To Vomit...

Literally, I really think I'm going to vomit!
I sit here, at 12 AM
Unable to sleep
I took my clinical boards at 7:30 this morning
I have been sick ever since!

Everything went ok I guess I could say
She was on time, qualified the first time
I got to work and scaled my little heart out

But those two hours FLEW by
All the sudden I had 10 minutes left
I wanted 10 hours!

There were a few rough spots I could feel
Worked and Worked and WORKED FOREVER on them
nothing was coming off
I pray it was just tooth anatomy and they don't count it against me

During probing there was a heavy bleeder
I couldn't see my probe
So I thought...I'll come back to it
Well of course I forgot
So I left one probe depth blank
There goes 1.25 points


I was really nervous
Even though I have done this a million times
THIS was the time that counted the SUPER most!

After, all I could think of was... did I do this?
Did I do that?
Maybe I should have done this...
Maybe I should have done that...

I think of all the spots of roughness I felt
What if they mark me down for 20 calculus errors?


And it has not even been 24 hours since I took this exam!
They are making us wait 2-4 weeks for our results!

Back to my title...
I'm going to vomit!

Pray for me


  1. First of all...they didnt dock you for 20 calculus errors probably didnt have 20 clicks of calculus. ;-) SECOND OF ALL I am POSITIVE that you did better then you think!! Remember your supposed to have "positive" thoughts? haha. Because positive thoughts make positive results apparently. You are DONE and you should be very proud of yourself. You are one of the best clinicians I know! I have no doubt you passed with a 98.75 :-) The day could have been so much your patient no showed or she didnt qualify at all! Just breathe because you passed.

  2. Oh Jenny, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I'm usually pretty good at holding it togethe, but I've already had two complete meltdowns. This is terrible for our health. I've already prepared myself to fail, so please don't make fun when I do. But Jenn's right, positive thoughts? It's so hard to do though! You'll pass though. I know you will. We'll all just have to pray for each other! Hope this 2 weeks goes fast
