Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So I saw my dad again today. Keep in mind that last year it took me at least two appointments to clean him, and today I finished him in 2 hours. It was very exciting. I am getting quicker which is very nice, but I still need to gain confidence in myself. I always seem to second guess myself when I shouldn't. Things are getting better as the semester goes on. But then again, I haven't seen very many hard patients at all!

First Official Post of my SENIOR YEAR!!

So this marks my first official post of my Senior Year! Getting back into the swing of things was easier than expected, but I still have a lot to learn. My first few patients were pretty east classes and weren't too difficult. But one of my first patients was a class III and I don't know how ready I was for that. We have great instructors this year that sit with us and make sure we understand what we missed and how to fix it. Things are going good, I just need to increase my confidence.